Medicare Plans

Understand Your Options

To avoid unnecessary worry about the future, we offer other Medicare coverage options that may include benefits not covered by Original Medicare. With an established relationship with Blue Cross NC, let us create a plan that offers you the highest level of protection. We’re here to assist you with evaluating other Medicare coverage options beyond Part A and Part B, such as HMO, PPO, PDP, Supplement, and Dental. Contact us to make an appointment with one of our experienced Agents and receive a free rate quote.

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Original Medicare Part A and B:

What it covers, How it works, What it costs

Original Medicare includes Part A and Part B coverage.

Medicare Part A is hospital insurance that helps cover inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing facility care, hospice and home health care.

Medicare Part B is medical insurance that helps cover medically necessary doctor services and outpatient care. It also includes some preventive services to help you maintain good health and prevent certain illnesses from worsening. Medicare supplement insurance is typically needed with Original Medicare.

The federal government offers Original Medicare. You’re automatically enrolled in Part A when you turn age 65, or when you become eligible for Medicare. If you get benefits under Social Security or Railroad Retirement, in most cases you’ll be automatically enrolled in Part B. You usually don’t pay a monthly premium for Part A coverage. But, you will typically pay a monthly Part B premium.

Original Medicare covers about 80% of the cost of many health care services. It doesn’t pay for all of your costs, including copayments, coinsurance and deductibles. You’ll be responsible for the other 20%.

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